Michelle Carpenter
Spiritual Medium – Channel – Energy Healer
Hi, I am so excited for you to be here on my website!
I’m Michelle—a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, and a friend. Each of these roles has taught me to show up with love and compassion as best as I can every day. My journey has been one of deep healing and discovery, both for myself and for those I’ve had the honour to support along the way. Life has brought its share of challenges, including emotional and mental hardships, as well as childhood trauma from being sexually abused at the age of five. I struggled with bulimia for many years, lost my best friend at Seventeen, and faced difficult relationships throughout my early adult years—most of which involved cheating, which I now understand was impacted by my control issues. At twenty-four, I experienced the trauma of accidentally knocking over and killing a young girl, and at thirty-two, I went through a painful divorce due to infidelity, which felt like my world was coming to an end.
Through these experiences, I’ve learned the power of forgiveness—over and over again, first of all, forgiving myself and others. Compassion and learning to observe myself and my emotions rather than react have been some of my greatest teachers.
In my work, I connect deeply with each person, helping to activate the heart and soul by tuning into where energy is held in the body, mind, and spirit, I tune into the vibration of you and your field, I sense the Conscious and the Unconscious, its all interconnected. This process can bring gentle yet powerful healing on many levels. I create a safe space where you can feel vulnerable, perhaps even exposed at times, allowing very old emotions to surface. The key is to release these old emotions, including energies passed down through generations— we call it intergenerational trauma. Diving deep to uncover and release what no longer serves you, opening you up to a new way of being, is something I am passionate about.
As a South African, we have a saying, “This is not for sissies,” meaning that the journey of letting go of layers of old emotions and trauma is not easy, yet it is incredibly rewarding. It brings a sense of joy and bliss, leaving you feeling lighter, more consciously aware, and more aligned with the wisdom of your soul.
As you open your heart consciousness, you’ll find a greater sense of peace and love, feeling more aligned with your true self.
During my sessions, I use breathwork, music, tunings, chants, and whistles to gently guide you into a lighter, more joyful frequency. As you release, your cells feel the change, bringing a wonderful sense of All will be ok, and many feelings of upliftment and joy.
As a Spiritual Medium, I connect with loved ones who have passed, sharing messages of love, guidance, and comfort, including insights from your ancestors. I’m also a channel for the Council of 8, angelic beings of light who guide humanity through uncertain times, sharing their love and reminding us of our unity as pure consciousness. They guide us back to our heart space and help us live in the frequency of love.
My path to learning other modalities, only started when I was 33 years, old, thanks to my divorce, it was time to let go of being a victim and become a victor in my story.
It’s an honour to share this journey with you, and I look forward to walking alongside you as you open to your own healing and transformation.